3 Things To Know About Garage Door Repair

17 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog

The average garage door lasts between 20 and 50 years, and the average garage door opener lasts around 10 years before needing to be replaced. However, before you replace your garage door, you will likely have it repaired a few times. Your garage is likely a part of your home that you use on a daily basis, often multiple times per day. This means that your garage door can end up with a lot of wear and tear over time. Read More 

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Garage Door Repair Needs

7 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If your garage door is showing any signs of wear, it's important that you call your garage door repair specialist as soon as you can. Even though repairs do carry some costs, the investment in keeping your garage safe and sound is well worth it. Here are reasons why you shouldn't ignore your garage door repair needs. Your garage doors can become unsafe The springs in your garage doors are often one of the first things that need to be replaced. Read More